Make yourself an anti virus
In this post I am going to explain to how to prevent virus from your pen drive or external hard disk affecting your system without any anti-virus and by yourself, since sometimes it will be annoying for you to scan your pen drive or hard disk with huge storage with your anti-virus because your anti-virus may tell 3hours left for scanning or 5hours etc.
So let’s start with the tutorial step by step
1. Disable autorun
Many virus are designed with autorun function, so once you plug your pen drive into the system the virus will start running in your system so to prevent this disable the autorun function in your computer ,to disable the autorun there are 2methods they are
a. Go to run and type regedt32.exe and then go to
And then enter the value 95 for hexadecimal or 149 for decimal
b. This method easier alternative to prevent autorun
hold SHIFT key while inserting your pen drive or external hard disk
2. show hidden files
Once you disable the autorun you need to see what are all the hidden files in the pen drive for that here is the procedure
In windows xp tools-->folder option-->view
In windows 7 organize-->folder option-->view
And then select the following option select check box "show hidden files" and uncheck "hide system files".
If you see any suspicious files or folder delete it and if there any folder with .exe extension with a size like 27kb, 48kb,72kb delete those file if you find them suspicious
3. Deleting the suspicious file
Deleting a virus file is not easy since many a time they will of read only format,if you can delete it normally it will be easy for you or if you cannot delete in normal delete method here are the following option to delete it
a. if you can’t delete it open the file in notepad and remove everything inside it and save it with same file name.
b. Goto cmd and goto your drive
Suppose its “F” drive
f:\>attrib -h -s -r "autorun.inf"
s-system file
r-read only
Change the file attribute and delete it, now it will get deleted
I hope this tutorial will help yourself in becoming an effective antivirus for your computer and hopefully I will try to post many other tutorials on this subject.
If there is any question or feedback leave it as a comment, I will glad to help you
Thank you
-amar jadhav