Friday 30 March 2012

How to Hack Administrator Account in a Ridiculously Easy Way in Windows"""

 First of all let me tell you that this hack work for Windows XP but if I were you I would also try it on other Microsoft OS (Vista andWindows 7)!

  •   Click Start.
  •  Click Run.. or look for the Search field (for Windows 7).
  • Type CMD and press Enter. You should now see the well-known DOS black window.

  • Type Net Users and hit Enter. This simple command will show you all the accounts created for the computer.
  • Now type net user administrator * and hit Enter. Of course you can type whatever user account you wish.
  • You will be prompted to type a new password. Well, choose a password of your choice and hit Enter again.
  • Re-enter the password.
  • Done!