Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Declaring a Constructor for a Struct

The syntax we use to declare a constructor is the same for a struct as it is for a class. For example, the following is a struct called Point that has a constructor:

struct Point
public Point(int x, int y) { ... }

Struct Constructor Restrictions
Although the syntax for struct and class constructors is the same, there are some additional restrictions that apply to struct constructors:
The compiler always creates a default struct constructor.
You cannot declare a default constructor in a struct.
You cannot declare a protected constructor in a struct.
You must initialize all fields.
The Compiler Always Creates a Default Struct Constructor
The compiler always generates a default constructor, regardless of whether we declare constructors ourself. (This is unlike the situation with classes, in which the compiler-generated default constructor is only generated if you do not declare any constructors yourself.) The compiler generated struct constructor initializes all fields to zero, false, or null.

struct SPoint
  public SPoint(int x, int y) { ... }

  static void Main( )
    // Okay
    SPoint p = new SPoint( );

class CPoint
  public CPoint(int x, int y) { ... }

  static void Main( )
    // Compile-time error
    CPoint p = new CPoint( );

This means that a struct value created with

SPoint p = new SPoint( );

creates a new struct value on the stack (using new to create a struct does not acquire memory from the heap) and initializes the fields to zero. There is no way to change this behavior.

However, a struct value created with

SPoint p;

still creates a struct value on the stack but does not initialize any of the fields (so any field must be definitely assigned before it can be referenced). Following is an example:

struct SPoint
  public int x, y;

  static void Main( )
    SPoint p1;
    Console.WriteLine(p1.x); // Compile-time error
    SPoint p2;
    p2.x = 0;
    Console.WriteLine(p2.x); // Okay
We Cannot Declare a Default Constructor in a Struct
The reason for this restriction is that the compiler always creates a default constructor in a struct (as just described), so you would end up with a duplicate definition.

class CPoint
  // Okay because CPoint is a class
  public CPoint( ) { ... }

struct SPoint
  // Compile-time error because SPoint is a struct
  public SPoint( ) { ... }

We can declare a struct constructor as long as it expects at least one argument. If we declare a struct constructor, it will not automatically initialize any field to a default value (unlike the compiler-generated struct default constructor which will).

struct SPoint
public SPoint(int x, int y) { ... }
You Cannot Declare a Protected Constructor in a Struct
The reason for this restriction is that we can never derive other classes or structs from a struct, and so protected access would not make sense, as shown in the following example:

class CPoint
  // Okay
  protected CPoint(int x, int y) { ... }

struct SPoint
  // Compile-time error
  protected SPoint(int x, int y) { ... }
You Must Initialize All Fields
If we declare a class constructor that fails to initialize a field, the compiler will ensure that the field nevertheless retains its default zero initialization. The following code provides an example:

class CPoint
  private int x, y;
  public CPoint(int x, int y) { /*nothing*/ }
  // Okay. Compiler ensures that x and y are initialized to
  // zero.

However, if we declare a struct constructor that fails to initialize a field, the compiler will generate a compile-time error:

struct SPoint1 // Okay: initialized when declared
  private int x,y;
  public SPoint1(int a, int b) { }

struct SPoint2 // Okay: initialized in constructor
  private int x, y;
  public SPoint2(int x, int y)
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;